Vaginismus: That really helps - according to the gynecologist

Hellish pain during sex: Vaginismus is extremely stressful for most women. But how does vaginal cramp come - and what really helps affected? We got an expert council.

What is veganism

What is veganism?

It is an "involuntary pulling of the pelvic floor/vaginal muscles due to vaginal penetration," explains Dr. Dokoupil. One also speaks of vaginal spasms or a vaginal cramp. The reflex-like cramp makes it hardly possible to insert something through the vaginal opening into the vagina.

And: Vaginism not only makes sex impossible for a large part of the women concerned. Even introducing tampons or fingers is usually a big challenge and is associated with great pain.

How many women are affected?

According to Dr. Docoupil's estimates are affected by 5 percent of sexually active women from veganism. However, according to the specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, it is difficult to say how many women actually suffer from veganism, since not every woman affected is looking for the conversation.

Why does it come to the vaginal cramp?

Our expert knows that there can be different causes behind veganism. “In many cases, there is afraid of the pain of penetration. Or concern that the vagina is too small for penetration. In other cases, the causes are in the past, for example, a painful medical examination or bad experiences in the context of sexual intercourse. This should be differentiated from skin changes due to local infections or hormonal changes that can trigger such burning symptoms,” explains the gynecologist from Bamberg.

How does veganism comment?

The symptoms among the women concerned are usually quite similar. “Often it is pain or a burning sensation in the context of vaginal penetration. This can even be the case when introducing a tampon. However, the symptoms in sexual intercourse are particularly common,” says the specialist.

Vaginismus: That really helps those affected - according to the gynecologist

How does veganism comment

First of all, Dr. Dokoupil for an open conversation with the partner and a performance at the gynecologist. Visiting the gynecologist is particularly important in order to have the exact cause of the vaginal cramp clarified professionally.

From the gynecologist's point of view, which treatment methods are particularly effective depends on the cause and the individual initial situation of the patient. “If it is skin changes, these can be treated with medication. On the other hand, if veganism is due to fear, procedures such as relaxation techniques, pelvic floor training, biofeedback therapy, or psychological co-care may be necessary.”

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