Hip haze: 4 things you need to know about the joint inflammation

Hip haze is probably one of the strangest names for childhood diseases. Parents, whose children have already had a hip haze, know that joint inflammation is not fun for the little ones. For those who have never heard of the disease, there is the most important information here.

What is hip haunt?

What is hip haunt

A hip hazard is a temporary inflammation of the inner skin of the hip joint. This thin joint outer swells through the inflammation and causes severe movement pain when the hip joint moves in the joint pan. The inflammation of the hip joint is not caused by bacteria but seems to be a delayed immune response to diseases that have already been exposed.

In most cases, toddlers and children are affected by the hip haunt. Most often, germ-free inflammation in the hip joint occurs between the fifth and sixth year of life. Why the inflammation arises is not clear. A connection with respiratory infections is suspected. The hip snap is one of the temporary diseases that disappear on its own after a while.

You need to know that over-the-hip haunt

You need to know that over-the-hip haunt


Due to the inflammation, more and more liquid collects in the joint capsule. There is stretching, swelling and ultimately severe pain in movements in the hip joint. This makes walking, standing, and moving the affected leg or legs sitting and lying extremely painful. The most common symptoms are, therefore:

  • sudden hip pain
  • Movement pain
  • radiating pain into the bar, thighs, and knees
  • Children are lagging while walking
  • Some children start crawling again

Depending on how heavy the joint inflammation is, there can also be a slight fever.


It is not clear why the hip snap is created. However, doctors know that the inflammation of the joint is not triggered directly by germs. It is therefore assumed that childhood disease is a late immune response in which the immune system reacts to an infection that has already been overflowed. Often the hip snack occurs a few weeks after infection of the upper respiratory tract or the digestive tract. However, the exact connections have not yet been clarified.


Pediatricians and pediatricians find a hip snap with imaging methods. As a rule, a look at the corresponding hip joint is taken by ultrasound examination, also called sonography. The doctors can recognize relatively safely whether it is a hip haunt. As a rule, swelling of the joint capsule can be clearly seen on the ultrasound image. In order to rule out possible other causes of swelling, the doctors can use X-ray images. There would be problems and abnormalities in the bones and the bone structure. Blood samples are also useful. In the course of the difference diagnostics - i.e. to exclude other causes of hip pain - the blood sample can be examined for the presence of certain inflammation values. If such markers can be found in the blood, bacterial infections of the hip joint could also be triggered as symptoms.


First of all, doctors must diagnose the type of joint inflammation. In the case of bacterial inflammation, fever and hot skin reductions occur in the hip area in addition to the pain. Such inflammation must be treated.

However, if a doctor has found a non-bacterial hip haze, no further steps have to be taken. The inflammation usually heals on its own within a few days. During the time of active inflammation, however, it makes sense to protect the children's hip joints and prescribe some calm to the little ones.

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