Cancer begins gradually. Affected people only notice significant symptoms after a certain time. However, if the first signs of cancer are recognized early, there are often better chances of recovery.
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The first signs are noticeable: How your body warns you of cancer. Symbol image. Photo: Colin00b/ |
- First signs of cancer: So you can recognize the disease in good time
- Cancer in children and adolescents: These signs can indicate the disease
- Cancer in adults: With these symptoms, you should be listening
- When you should definitely go to the doctor
- Diagnostic methods: This is how the doctor finds cancer
The first signs of cancer often remain unnoticed for a long time. It is very important to listen to your body well - because the earlier the cancer is recognized, the better the chances of recovery. But what can the first signs of cancer in children, adolescents, and adults look like? How does your own body warn early and when is it high time to see a doctor?
Cancer disease in children and adolescents: that can be the first signs
Cancer usually hits us very unexpectedly. The reason for this is often that the possible signs of illness appear very harmless at first and hardly suggest the assumption that it is a worse illness. Especially in children, signs such as bruises, fever, or headache appear so often that they are hardly taken seriously with regard to cancer.
Nevertheless, one should be aware of which signs can indicate cancer. If these symptoms are strongly pronounced, there is no explanation for a long time or worsen, you should not hesitate to have everything clarified with the pediatrician.
Possible so-called "general symptoms" can indicate that the organism defends itself against the spread of cancer cells. Both fever as well as pallor, fatigue, unsettle, growth delays or weight loss can be an indication that the body fights against cancer cells.
Recognize cancer early: Keep a certain symptom in mind
Other so-called "local symptoms" lead to a change in the body. If the cancer cells expand further and displace the healthy tissue, swelling or pain can occur in the area of the affected organ, as also visual disturbances, paralysis, paralysis, seizures, or bone pain.
Which symptoms appear depends on which organ is attacked by the cancer cells and how strong the immune system is in general. The very different signs of illness make it difficult to clearly narrow down the possible symptoms.
Bone pain can be caused by leukemia, for example, but can only be an indication of a growth boost. It is important that you keep in mind possible symptoms that you have recognized and go to a doctor if the improvement is improper.
Cancer: Signs of illness in adults recognize - symptoms often seem harmless
Cancer is a disease that is to blame for the death of around 230,000 people annually: the disease is therefore to be taken seriously. In rare cases, harmless symptoms can indicate cancer not only in children and adolescents but also in adults.
If you suffer from one or more symptoms, you should definitely consult a specialist to secure: if these are really cancer cells that attack your healthy tissue, early diagnosis can prevent worse consequences and make healing more likely. Often the symptoms can also be clarified by benign disease.
If you find palpable swelling, hardening, or knot on your body, this can be a warning sign of cancer. These can appear on the skin, as well as on the mucous membrane or in the soft tissues, and usually do not cause any pain. If you feel inexplicable pain, this can also be a general symptom.
Recognize cancer in adults: definitely take changes seriously
Other possible warning signals are changes to the chest or testicles, the lymph nodes in the armpit area, the strips, or on the neck as well as changes on the goiter. In addition, a persistent cough, the change of a long-existing cough and constant cough, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, chronic hoarseness, or a bloody ejection of physical information on cancer.
Take it seriously if you recognize changes in the skin, liver stains, and warts in terms of size, shape, and color, jaundice, stained reddened palms, or liver stars. Symptoms could also be blood in the seed fluid, bleeding after menopause or spare bleeding between the menstrual bleeding, changes in bowel movements or urination (such as pain, low amounts of blood, unusually more common urge to urinate or weak, interrupted urine flow).
In addition, you should symptoms such as unusual and permanent changes in the digestive habits, heartburn, frequent pressure or fullness of pressure, bloating, abdominal pain, and unusual bleeding or excretions (for example from the mouth, the nose, the urethra, or the vagina), preserved, vomiting, vomiting, Loss of appetite, a weight loss of unexplained origin, pallor, anemia, tiredness and a performance.
Further warning signals in adults can point out cancer - the overview
Often appearing warning signals are fever, sweating, dizziness or rapid heartbeat, newly emerging headache, disorders in eyesight, seizures, seizures, an unusual, constant itching, neurological disorders such as paralysis, speech and coordination disorders or newly occurring unworthiness, severe personality changes and not badly healing Wounds.
There are also symptoms that can occur in men. This includes weak and interrupted urine flow, the inability to leave the water, difficulties at the beginning of urination, and a hardened or enlarged testicle. In women, further warning signals can be a hardened chest or knot in the chest, the disposal of a nipple, unusual vaginal bleeding (for example after sexual intercourse), or a brownish discharge.
The symptoms are very versatile and depend on the location and aggressiveness of the cancer cells. The basic warning signals generally appear when cancer grows and also affect neighboring organs, nerves, or blood vessels in their function.
Early action is important in the event of suspicion of cancer - as important is precaution
When recognizing one or more of the listed symptoms, you should consult the doctor if they are inexplicable of origin, are long-lasting, or worsen over time.
Basically, recognizing the warning signs can help to get clarity and increase the chances of complete healing in the event of an actual illness. So good self-observation is important. If you cannot clearly assign the symptoms, it is important that you go to a doctor. Regular preventive examinations are also recommended:
For example, pre-forms of colon cancer can already be removed by a colonoscopy during a preventive examination. The preventive examinations offer you the opportunity to recognize cancer early and to initiate the necessary treatment directly.
Some basic measures that everyone can also integrate into their everyday life in order to reduce the risk of cancer are not to be smoked, rarely consuming alcohol, taking care of preventive examinations and body signals, palpating the female breast or male testicles, overweight, regularly, regularly move and follow a healthy and balanced diet.
Related: How to Prevent Colon Cancer | Nuts are Really that Healthy
Evidence of cancer: These diagnostic methods are common
Every disease diagnosis is preceded by a detailed medical history. This deals with the individual history of the disease, in which all information could be relevant to the medical specialist. After these successes, careful physical examinations can recognize cancer. Basic studies include endoscopy, biopsy, imaging methods, microscopic diagnostics, and molecular diagnostics.
The endoscopic examination is also called "interior mirroring". It is about taking a closer look at the organs - methods known to you are often gastroscopy or colonoscopy. The imaging examinations mean, for example, X-ray, computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scintigraphy, positron emission tomography (PET), and ultrasound. Due to the visual insights into the body, doctors can see whether the tissue is healthy or there is pathological tissue.
In the case of a so-called biopsy, individual cells or tissues are taken. For example, these individual cells are examined in the laboratory after coloring, so that a possible tumor can be diagnosed quickly.
In contrast, urine samples, blood samples, tissue, or cell samples are examined directly under the microscope for microscopic diagnostics. But the body's own examination material, which was obtained from a biopsy or smear, can also help with the differentiation of the tumor type or further confirm a suspicion.
Finally, molecular diagnostics is helpful to distinguish the type of tumor. Tumor cells are removed and their genetic material is examined. Some types of tumors have changed in a genre that drives the growth of the tumor. In this way, individual and tailored treatment can be carried out.
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