How to Prevent Colon Cancer | Nuts are Really that Healthy

How to Prevent Colon Cancer

It is well known that nuts are powerhouses because they contain important nutrients - but German researchers have now discovered that they can protect against colon cancer. How is that possible?

Mmh, such a handful of nuts is pretty yummy - and so healthy! These nuts are not only good for the cardiovascular system, they are also meant to lower the risk of diabetes. Nutritionists at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena also prove that nuts can reduce the spread of colon cancer cells.

What Nuts do in our Gut

Previous studies had suggested that nuts have a protective effect against colon cancer, but the latest research has shown where this effect comes from. Five different types of nuts were tested: macadamia, hazelnuts, and walnuts as well as almonds and pistachios. These varieties were then subjected to a chemical digestion process in the laboratory, which took place in the test tube alone - so the researchers were able to find out how the nuts normally arrive in our intestines.

Nuts are Really that Healthy to prevent colon cancer

Subsequently, it was investigated how the resulting digestive products affect various colon cancer cells. The scientists came to the conclusion that they stimulate the body's defense, as they promote the natural detoxification in body cells. In addition, they initiate the so-called programmed cell death in cancer cells. This means that the cells virtually commit suicide and die so that other, healthy cells can live. 

These questions are still unanswered

"We were able to demonstrate this effect in all nut varieties examined," explains study leader Prof. Dr. med. Michael Glei. Whether you prefer almonds or walnuts is up to you - but a big question remains: the researchers have not yet been able to find out whether roasted nuts can also protect against colon cancer. This will only be checked in a next examination step, which should also clarify which amount of nutritious intake would be recommended.


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